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Doodly fun

Came across a new little tool to play around with for fun or even use for some side income if I feel ambitious. I have seen the animated videos of a person drawing images and wondered how it was done. Well it turns out pretty simply with the use of software designed by Doodly. If you have not seen videos using it, the basic idea is words or images appear as being drawn as you watch. This is done with or without a hand in view. Doodly offers both options along with a variety of hands and backgrounds. So what brought it to my attention was an ad that popped up offering the program for $69 without any subscription fees, really cool right. Of course there are some caveats along with it. Understandable since they are a company that wants to make money but could be a bit clearer up front about what you get. Do not get me wrong what you get for the price is nice and will work for me. Just be ready to be hit with a push for add on content for different themes and such. Again these packs come with a fixed price that ranges on the material. Good side is you can focus on just what you need or want versus an array of material you will not use. Downside is buying them all. They also have subscription service as well. I do have some ideas to use it for passive income videos after learning more, they do allow this as well royalty free. Either way, I will be able to play around with something new for fairly cheap. One item really worth noting is the feature to load in your own drawing then tell the software how to draw it. Being able to have the kids artwork be drawn on the screen is novel and enjoyable for them. It is kinda like magic.

Thank you for taking the time to read and hope your dad game levels up.

Check out my dad inspired shirts here.

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