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For the love of balloons

Recently I was reminded about the simple and huge amount of fun kids can have with balloons. It can be hard to remember the joy we had as a child without the amount of screens and fancy electronic toys around. I know it sounds like the cardboard box stories of Christmas but children do love to use their imagination and it brings me joy to watch. What sparked this renewed finding was a cartoon which had the kids playing keepy uppy with a balloon. The game was all about keeping the balloon from touching the ground in a cooperative way. So I found a pack a balloons hiding away in a drawer, blew a couple up and away we went. This soon evolved into more games, some of which I did not know what was going on but my kids did. Of course I have joined in several times to keep the balloon floating, juggle, play catch, or volley ball spike them. Best of all they are fairly cheap compared to most toys. Picking them up from a local bargain store or get them shipped to your house from places such as Amazon.

Later for a birthday party one of them got a balloon display containing some fancy balloons along with dozens of smaller basic ones. First of all it was really neat and a great talking point for guests as well as neighbors driving by. This thing was about six feet long and four feet high held down by water weights. After a while of being displayed we decided to separate the fancy balloons to keep a bit longer. Then having a popping fest with the remaining ones. Get a bit crazy, but if you find bubble wrap popping enjoyable this may blow your mind. So when that fun is done the fancy balloons did not just hang out as decoration, they are still being bounced around and used for imaginative scenarios.

Really no matter how you do it, spending a little time in the imagination land of your kids can be very rewarding for all. Thank you for taking the time to read and hope your dad game levels up.

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