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Father's Day 2020

Hope Father's Day went well for you. For me overall went really good considering the environment going on right now. Started off with being able to sleep in an extra hour or so which can be nice but hard when I am normally getting things going in the morning. Bacon was just about ready to come out of the oven but got slightly burnt due to kids insisting I open present right away. I knew they each had got me something and had a couple guesses as to what it was but did not guess correctly. Assumption was LEGO and that was correct, Mandalorian battle pack and Spider-mech vs venom along with a couple shirts. Sometimes I wonder who the gift was really for, clearly the shirts are for me, but the sets may have had a little self centered motive. No problem though because we were able to build and then play together that day. Slowly I am sure they will start to be integrated into their LEGO but for now we can enjoy them. Back to breakfast, waffles were chosen oddly enough since that is my realm and can not recall the last time my wife made waffles. So when I was told to sit back and relax it ended up turning into answering questions on my process. With those done came toppings, chosen by the kids, consisting of about every item in the house that had a high sugar content like sprinkles and whipped cream. Kinda set the tone for the rest of the meals. Later my wife made cinnamon squares from scratch for the first time which turned out to be a very laborious task of love and very delicious. Dinner was supposed to be ribs but ran out of time to really do them good on the smoker requiring a pivot to pressure cooker pulled pork. Another tasty meal and perfectly happy with it, just means ribs the next day. That wraps up the main events of the day, eating, building LEGO, and hanging out with my family. Thank you for taking the time to read.

You can check out the dad shirts I have for sale here which will support this blog.

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