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Fun with minis

As a player of many games including video, board, RPG, and minis to name a few it was been fun teaching my kids how to play. Of course we started out with simple enough ones such as mousetrap, sequence for kids, connect four, battleship, and even uno. These along with others are classics which most of use probably played as a kid. A mixed joy comes from losing to your kids the first time and then also beating them other times. Could write another post about the importance of teaching children how to lose and learn from it, but today I was inspired by a game for slightly older. Last week I introduced my son to Mice and Mystics, a RPG in a box style game for 7+ playable with 1-4 people using mice as the heroes verse rats and bugs. First chapter, or mission, took us about 1.5 hours but that is also some learning. I picked it up a while ago on a deal with the hopes of one day using it and now worked very well. First I showed my son the characters and interest was peaked. My plan was to paint them to help engross in the experience a bit more but he did not want to wait. We set up the board, read through the rules, choose characters, then started rolling dice. Did expect the rule reading part to be a bit boring and could tell he started to not be fully paying attention. It worked out well though, just stopped some times to look up a rule. The game is set up pretty well to keep players in the game even if their health is taken out, they get captured and released when all foes on the tile are defeated. Definitely helped keep moral up when one of his two mice got wounded. Very proud to see some critical thinking during the quest and enjoyment when reaching the end. Even had my younger kid get involved by rolling the dice for the enemies. You can find Mice and Mytics at game stores but cheapest price with ease is to order from Amazon for about $55 when writing this. Thank you for taking the time to read.

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