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Making Ice Cream at Home

Bit over a month ago I received an ice cream maker from my wife for my birthday. Now I do enjoy ice cream but I do not think this was purely a gift for me. In the past having a bowl every night was not uncommon, which is a habit I cut out years ago in a goal of being healthier. With the gift of the ice cream maker, very similar to this Cuisinart 2-qt from QVC, started back up eating ice cream more often. First thing we can get out of the way is this is not going to really save time or money, I'll get to more in a minute. What it does though is allow arguably healthier ice cream and knowledge of exactly what is in it. The first batch was a simple vanilla and quite simple to do. Quick overview of the process; mix the base ingredients together, chill in fridge for a few hours, get the mixing bowl out of the freezer, assemble machine components, turn on, add base mix, and turn till done. First time out did take longer figuring it all out. Couple batches in we have gotten better at figuring out how to streamline the process and when the ice cream is done. To circle back to the base we use, it has four ingredients; milk, heavy cream, vanilla extract, and sugar. Have yet to play around with mint extract or some other base flavors. But we did make a couple batches of strawberry ice cream and the other day mixed in Oreos. Both started out with the same base vanilla mix, but a little lighter on the vanilla extract, then mixed the base for a little bit prior to adding in the strawberries or cookies. Both turned out very well and most of all approved by the kids. Doing a yogurt base is on the agenda someday but first I think a brownie or mint chocolate is next. As you can guess the prep and clean up do take a little bit of time along with scraping the mixer and freezer bowl which is why it is not a time saver. Just like making cookies or brownies the kids do like to lick the mixer and spatula. The cost of materials also adds up, mainly the heavy cream, but think can be brought down buying in larger amounts from stores such as Costco. I'll share more tricks and tips when I figure them out. What flavor would or are you making in your own ice cream machine. Thank you for taking the time to read and hope your dad game levels up.

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