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New year 20-30 minutes a time

Alright so one thing 2020 taught me about life with kids spending most of it at home around each other its finding things to do. School routines and structure help a bit but are also very time consuming in their right, for me like many I am sure are sitting by that computer helping out. If you have multiple kids that need help it gets even crazier. A bit of planning can help though. I have adopted a pattern to help keep things moving along with interesting, granted I do not always follow as life still happens and things come up. But trying to cycle activities about 20-30 minutes creates a smoother day filled with things the kids like to do. Hardest part may be coming up with all the activities to do. Examples of things we do are; coloring, painting, video games, tablets, puzzles, toys, homework, videos, TV, walking (outside if possible), cleaning, chores, talking, just to name a few. Yes some of these do take a bit longer like a movie but you get the idea. I got tired of hearing "I'm bored" when there are so many things to do. With that getting to the 20-30 minute mark became easy when cycling through. I do try to mix screen time with non screen time. Even though I do not always plan out the day but go with the flow of activities somedays, my kids have gotten used to making an agenda. To keep them involved with this I generally start out the morning asking them what they what to do or accomplish today. Usually comes back with one to three items each wants and are easily worked in, especially when both say tablet. I have found when I join in and really participate, such as playing with toys or having a conversation, my kids really enjoy the time making them feel special. Leading me to the last point of 20-30 minutes, I highly encourage you to devout that time to each kid as much as possible by setting aside the phone, computer, or whatever may be a distraction. It will mean more to them than you may think. Thank you for reading my thoughts and I hope you level up your dad game.

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