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Playing with Hot wheels

Alright, if you are like me you have a few Hot Wheels stashed away somewhere and the kids do not play with toy cars as much as other items. I enjoyed playing with mine as a kid and can find new or used ones pretty cheap. A friend told me about a game, Gaslands, that uses Hot Wheels or really any small vehicle to play with as the miniatures or characters of the game. Of course you can go further in a modify them by adding on bits or figures on them to really give the Mad Max look and feel. Essentially you use the cars, trucks, etc to drive along a race course full of obstacles while rolling dice to see if you succeed on your turn, avoiding damage, attacking other vehicles, etc. The rules do seem a little hefty at first glance but boils down pretty simply for a six year old to learn the basics. At this moment we have not introduced the weapons or done a lot of modding but using the race and movement rules. After the first game my kids asked to play more so we did a few more games before packing it up. Then a day later asked to play again. The first game I used some obstacles from other miniatures games, but you could easily use salt and pepper shakers or building blocks or whatever you laying around. We actually cut up some cardboard boxes to make towers, boulders, ramps, tunnels, and a car garage. So we got to have fun making and decorating crafts as well as play a game. Now before we started playing the game we needed to cut out the movement tools. These can be cut out of the book, scanned, or printed off the publishers website for free, I found the paper ones to be a little flimsy but usable. I went old school and cut templates out of a cereal box then glued the paper cut outs to them. Took longer than I wanted but worked out well. Ended up making a second set with craft foam using my wife's Cricut machine. It also uses custom skid dice, or a d6 standard dice is what we used. You then just have to check what the numbers equal and we memorized that after a few turns. Overall spent about 1.5 hours prepping and learning which has yielded several hours of enjoyment. Thank you for taking the time to read and hope your dad game levels up.

Check out my dad inspired shirts here.

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